Monday 21 December 2009

Welcome to Hiccup Hospital

We aim to become THE No. 1 Repository for alleged hiccup cures, real hiccup cures and hiccup related news and events. I felt the need to create hospital after several friends were struck down by this terrible diaphragmatic spasming.

Everyone seems to have a hiccup cure but do any of them actually work?

Watch as we put them to the test over the coming months.

Over the last few days people have told me the following techniques.

  1. drink a drink backwards
  2. stand in a certain way (tbc)
  3. offer them a reward if they stop hiccuping
  4. ask them their middle name
  5. slowly allow a teaspoon of sugar to dissolve under your tongue without swallowing
  6. poke them viciously ribs without warning (not brilliant)
  7. strartleage